Year Three: Deploy and Assess

Pathways’ final year will be entirely centered around piloting the potential solutions that were crafted throughout Year Two. While the specifics of those solutions won’t be solidified until the end of Year Two, there are certainties. All of these solutions will include mechanisms for ongoing feedback from those involved, including library workers, employers, state agencies, and others. These mechanisms will be fitted as appropriate to the projects, but will include gaining data about the following:

  • Reach- For how many people in NYS will the project eliminate or reduce barriers?
  • Range- For which specific underrepresented groups of people will barriers be eliminated or reduced?
  • Affordability- What resources would be needed to implement this idea beyond a pilot and from where will these resources be sourced?
  • Sustainability- How will the pilot scale and how will that scale be assured to continue in the future?

The ultimate goal of the piloted projects is proof-of-concept. Even if they cannot be scaled or are otherwise not feasible to implement, they still contribute to the goal of moving librarianship towards a more inclusive field. Future projects may be able to view the stories collected or the piloted projects and note where faults lay. Throughout this year, the project team will also develop frameworks and models for each pilot project to help ensure others can leverage Pathways’ work.

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.